Friday, March 27, 2020




After thinking for a while about how I can make this story about coronavirus and the psychological effects, I have decided I don't want to do that.

It would be a completely new story make up with a lot of thinking. My previous story took me weeks to figure out. Also, I remember Yejin suggesting me to mimic the setting within my house. I thought about it and my thoughts went even further. I thought "Woah, this film could be an abstract one."
My obvious reasons for not doing it how I was going to do it are for the virus, but this can make me get more creative.

To have one thing in mind is that I live with 7 there people. This is really good because I can use people as actors. I live with my mom, my mom's boyfriend, his three kids, his mom, and his mom's husband (it's not his dad). Instead of using a guy around the age from 20-28 for Jack, I can use my little step brother. Instead of making this story about an adult who wants to buy something for a girl, I could make it about a 14 year old that wants to buy something for a girl. Cute, right? Instead of having an actual pawn shop, I thought about having my cat act as the pawn shop owner (this is where it gets experimental). I had a vision of my cat sitting there with a bunch of objects, and it all being in my backyard. The pawn shop is outside and my cat is the owner/seller. I was thinking of having my young step-brother talk to my cat and my cat answer in subtitles... Even though the pawn shop is in my backyard, I'm not going to show that. I'm going to make it seem like its a few blocks away from "Jacks" (my) house. This way I can still implement the scenes where Jack is running. However, it challenges the scene where he goes IN the pawn shop... Where would he go in in my story if it's the same house? The only way to do that would be to use another house as reference, and I'm sure none of my neighbors want me going or being in their front porch (get away corona). So I will have to figure that one out later.
Ty (my young step-sibling), rides his bike everywhere and I could have the option of him either running or riding his bike, I'll see.

Wait. I just realized my neighborhood has an area with a big patch of grass and some bushes and trees. Maybe that can be the "pawn shop". YAY I like how this is comping out. It's more experimental which I love :)))))))

I can have both my cat and my dog. I will have to train them to stay seating in their area, and even if that's hard I will get it done to get shots of the animals.

If having them outside will be a problem I can try to do the "pawn shop" in my dining room. I will think about it and talk to my mom about it.
The only problem is if I use my cat or dog, then there's no one acting it and I really wanted someone to act the pawn shop clerk... But I don't know if anyone in my family is fit for that role, and even if they were, how I  can make it good.

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