Sunday, March 1, 2020

Narrowed It down

After giving it lots of thought I decided to narrow down my ideas to three things. I have a particular vision for each one that is unique in its own way, but like everything else in life, they each have their pros and cons.

Here they are:

Story about a woman who meets a guy with the same name as her husband who had died two years ago. It turns out he was also in a car accident two years back, and has a scar in the same location that the woman's husband got hit in which resulted in his death. 
Themes: Parallel universes, reincarnation, soul mates.
Genre: Drama, mystery, romance, art house
Inspirations: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sliding Doors, the Vow, The Look by Metronomy, Frances Ha film style
Pros: Aligns with what I'd consider my preferred genre
Cons: Still not 100% sure where I would go with this story

Story about a man who wants to buy something for a girl but doesn't have any money. Because of this, he begins to pawn all of his possessions in desperation to buy something for her. 
Themes: Toxic masculinity, is romance dead??
Genre: Romance, comedy (dark humor)
Inspirations: Wes Anderson film style, Money by The Drums
Pros: I can play with style and technique! 
Cons: Don't know where I'd go with this story.... plus, what pawn shop would let me film in it?!

A monologue-type of short film through the perspective of someone's younger self vs. their older self: Snippets of a man's/woman's childhood accompanied with narration from the person's older self, remembering all of the little details of their childhood outlaid. Then snippets of the same person's life as their older narrated by their younger self explaining how they pictured their life to be when they were that age. 
Themes: Childhood, loss, dreams
Genre: Drama
Inspirations: Childhood by Beach House, Room (2015), and my own personal experience with loss of childhood. 
Pros: My soul would be most content with this one. It's the one I most personally relate to. Also, I picture it very well.
Cons: Montage?? :( 
(I still don't have a set moldboard figured out for this one)

Anyway, those are my narrowed down ideas after thinking for a long time. I really love the storytelling part of the process, so I want to make sure that the story itself is top notch. I am going to make a decision by next my post. 

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